Life without soul
What a day!
I’m still suffering from the hangover of sleep deprivation.
I could function well in the morning, but in the afternoon, I worked like a zombie.
My heart kept telling me I should not go to the interview in HKU. It was too far away, it was drizzling out there, I was too tired and I had offers from CU already. And people always say you should listen to your heart.
But I was still confused, so I called Ruth and Siu Man, hoping to get some advice from them. They are always supportive even when I am so troublesome and worry too much over something trivial. I felt better and more determined after talking with them.
At last, my willpower won.
With tremendous effort and willpower, I dragged myself to Pokfulam. I did feel a bit aroused during the interview, even though I was starving and exhausted.
The girls in my interview group were really nice. We chatted along the way to the bus stop after the interview. In fact, I didn’t have much feeling towards the interview; but I felt quite happy having met those girls, even though I may not see them again.
I went to Admiralty and tried to get something to eat, but I couldn’t find anything decent and affordable amid all those classy restaurants. So I headed home feeling starved and completely drained. I was so hungry that I couldn’t fall asleep on bus.
Luckily, I got something nice to eat at home. Home sweet home ^^.
I can't really write anymore... I need to sleep now.
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