Sunday, August 07, 2005

I'm back

Having such a world renowned airport in Hong Kong, I would always parade from the arrival gate with my nose pointing to the sky and a flicker of pride in my chest. My face would read: I live here in Hong Kong and this prestigious airport is our glory.

But not today.

The plane we took landed in the middle of nowhere in the airport. Instead of proceeding to the terminal immediately as I normally do, we had to wait for the bus to ferry us to the airport terminal in sweltering tropical heat. The foreign girl standing in front of me gasped: Oh my god.

When we finally arrived at the terminal, the elevator going up did not work. So people had to climb stairs after stairs with bulky luggage to reach the Customs on the second floor. What made the whole thing a Dilbert story was, the elevator going down worked perfectly well but nobody used it. Why didn't they simply make it upward bound so that the influx of tourists could use it?

That's how we formed stigma—through first impression.

Anyway, I was finally home.

The first thing I did after I claimed my luggage was to buy a big bottle of water and a bottle of green tea at 7-11. How much I missed the convenience stores! I drained all the liquid with satisfaction on the way home. I hadn't drunk so much water since I left Hong Kong!

When I got back home, I found my desk overflown with letters and stuff to deal with; and I have already felt a tingle of stress.

I have to face my life again.


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