Monday, July 04, 2005

Excuse me, did you say you're teachers?

Too many cooks spoil the broth. When there are 70-something cooks cooking the same pot of broth, how long does it take to get it done?

I was one of the cooks working on the broth in the staff meeting today afternoon. As usual, the principal unfailingly provoked a babble of discussion after presenting her ideas. And as usual, everyone believed that they knew best but none voiced out.

What disturbed me most was, some did try to contribute their ideas, but their voice was drown out in the excited buzz of conversation even though they were using a mic.

Could somebody stop them for a while and give them a lecture on how to respect and listen to the others? I would if they were my students. Obviously, teaching something and doing something you teach are entirely unrelated aspects of behaviour.

So as usual, a meeting which could have finished within a couple of hours went on like this for more than three hours.

As this term is about to end, a string of meetings are coming forth. Hopefully, they won't spoil the broth. I will keep my fingers crossed.


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