Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I'm now blogging from Salzburg, Austria right now.

It's my fourth day in Europe and everything goes perfectly fine so far, including the weather. It's sunny most of the time despite the gloomy weather forecast (never trust a weather forecast too much).

Except that everything is at skyhigh price. Just a sight at the pricelist will make your jaw drop on the ground--a little bottle of mineral water can set you back as much as 2 euros (which is about HK$19! Jeeeeeez..) and using the washroom costs you a few HK dollars. Things here are even more expensive than in Britain! So now, besides all those cathedrals, palaces and castles on the itinerary, supermarket becomes a must-visit place.

It reminds me of the good old days in Scotland when I had to survive on shoe-string budget. But of course, I'm a bit better off now ^_*

Anyway, Austria is really a tourist friendly place and people are exceptionally helpful even though they don't speak English. It's a peaceful place especially at night; it's as if making a slightest bit of noise will wake the whole world up.

I have visited Vienna and will visit Prague tomorrow. I hope that everything is fine in Hong Kong as well :)

Blog later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjore your big big holiday and take pretty pictures to us.
Don't know when i will have chance to travel @.@

10:11 am  

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