Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Back in Melbourne

Life in Hong Kong has always been hectic and stressful to me, even when I was having my summer vacation in the past 2 and a half months. It seems that I have done a lot without my noticing until now.

What I did in Hong Kong:

« Covering for an ex-colleague of mine at the secondary school I used to work since the second week I arrived in Hong Kong until the school holiday for Chinese New Year began during which I confirmed that I made the right decision to quit and became an important friend to a student

« Worrying about and working on my ethics clearance which I had to obtain before I launched my research

« Obtaining my ethics clearance for my research automatically after a couple of nights crying myself to sleep in a sense of helplessness and just half a day before I intended to send the university human research committee heaps of required paperwork on which I spent 2 months. Despite the ridiculousness, I did feel relieved that it was finally done.

« Attending a wedding reception of a hallmate’s during which I met some other girls on the 9-ba team whom I hadn’t seen for a long time

« Watching the Nutcracker, a ballet show, on Christmas Eve which I had been nagging my friends to watch with me in past Christmases without success

« Visiting my relatives in Mainland China on New Year Day during which I went karaoke-singing and smoke-filled-café-hopping with my cousins

« Watching my first New Year firework show in Tsim Sha Tsui alone after having failed to brave through the crowds to meet my friends at a Chinese restaurant in Cultural Centre and being trapped on my way

« Seeing lots of friends and students (both current and former) and having lots of local food which I missed so much, e.g. 餅皮蛋撻, 腸粉, 担担麵, 雞蛋仔, 煨蕃薯, 雲吞麵, rice dumplings, home-made Japanese curry, ramen, etc.

« Going through a series of health checks with one of my best friends who was losing weight dramatically and mysteriously. But I was happy to find that she is fine.

« Watching the first season of Criminal Minds at home while taking care of my nephew at times (how could I manage that?)

« Shedding some weights due to stress and a lack of sleep (and maybe warmer weather as well)

It doesn’t sound too bad with work and coursework intertwined with reunions and gatherings and some personal time. Despite the tight schedule, I did enjoy my time in Hong Kong. I was home after all.

At some point, I didn’t want to get back to Melbourne. I miss my friends and family in Hong Kong. But when the day finally came, it wasn’t that hard. Somehow I know what is waiting for me here and I sort of know this place now, unlike last year when I was too overwhelmed with my former job and didn’t have time to prepare myself for all the upcoming changes. And actually sometimes I did miss Melbourne even when I was in Hong Kong.

I remember I was still working at school, trying to wrap things up, 4 hours before I arrived at the airport. It was freezing and drizzling throughout the day which somehow marked my emotions last year. I didn’t get a direct flight to Melbourne and had to transfer to a domestic flight in Brisbane which took me more than 15 hours to get to my temporary accommodation. My first class started on the following day and I didn’t even know how I could get to the campus which was so far away from the place I stayed at. And I was alone, in a foreign land and away from the Internet.

Things were happening so fast in the first couple of months that I didn’t have time to take in. Luckily I had Tracy, my former secondary classmate, with me in the first month (I know I kept repeating that) and I met a nice host family.

Well, it seems that I was lost in memory again.

Anyway, I was more prepared this time and I believe I can enjoy this year more than last year.


My first Monday here

Just before I was back here, Victoria had been struck by an unprecedented heatwave for three days and the temperature hit a record high of 43 degree Celsius. I know that it was hard for many local Melbournians to cope (a spate of sudden deaths are believed to be caused by the searing heat) but I’m really amazed by their weather tolerance.

Growing up in a sub-tropical area, I know how freezing 10 degree Celsius can be to Hongkongers. However, judging from the fact that air-conditioners are rare commodities here and people wear the same outfit (a short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts/jeans in general) as long as the temperature doesn’t drop below 5 degree Celsius, it seems that Melbournians can tolerate a spectrum of weather conditions – from sweltering heat to teeth-chattering chill – using their in-born coping skills which I believe have already been extinct in the air-conditioned generation in Hong Kong.

Anyway, I’m glad that the heatwave passed me by. The weather was just lovely today with warm sunshine and cooling breeze in the evening. It is my summer.

I’m going to commence my placement at a medical centre this Thursday. I’m a bit nervous as it’s a clinical setting and I’m supposed to be very familiar with the assessment instruments (but I’m not). I’m also worried about my communication skills as I’m not an articulate person even when I speak in my mother tongue. I will practice on the assessment instruments as much as possible in these two days and will keep my fingers crossed.


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