Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Have you felt the same way before?

You are among the few lucky ones in your generation who enjoy an undisturbed childhood blessed with precious friendship and free of love troubles. You may have dated a few girls at times, but love is something you have always dreamt of but too noble to understand.

As time goes by, you and your circle of friends have grown up so quickly yet quietly without your noticing. Witnessing your friends settling in relationship one by one and starting their own little families, you also feel like getting a girlfriend yourself. It is not long before you meet a nice girl that you like. She's got every quality you dream of and you can't believe how lucky you are to win the love from a girl like her.

However, you find something missing in the relationship that stops you from going further. However hard you try, you just can't commit yourself. Even though people around you keep telling you you two are a perfect match, for some reason, you don't feel right.

You leave the girl who loves you and go from one girl to another to search for that missing something. Yet, you can't find it. You feel lost.

Until one day you meet a boy. A very special boy.

He is different from your childhood friends and the girls that you dated. He is just... different. His smile can erase your worries and his words can sooth your emotions. You find it easy to unfold yourself to him. You don't want to put on any mask or armor yourself because you feel safe to be just yourself in front of him. You are so surprised that he can actually fill up the emptiness inside you that others can't. And when he looks deep into your eyes, you can feel warmth and... and a flicker of something that enchants you. You know that something mystical and unusual is going on between you two. And you are puzzled. You are not supposed to feel this way towards a boy.

Deep down the whole world of yours gravitates towards his but your rational mind tells you to resist. The two opposing forces within yourself are tearing your mind and heart apart. You have never felt so much anguish in your life.

That afternoon when you two chat at a cafe as usual, he puts his hands on yours accidentially on purpose. All of a sudden, you feel an electrifying rush of excitement and a bump of heartbeat. That nearly takes your breath away. Time seems to stand still for you two while the rest of the world is flowing. But your rational mind wins. When you finally manage to withdraw your hand, you believe you notice disappointment flash his face.

Yet, the magical feeling has been haunting you since then.

You try to escape from him but the more you want to hide from him, the more your thoughts are occupied by him and the stronger your desire to be with him.

After a week of hide-and-seek, destiny brings him in front of you. This time, your feet feel rooted and you know you can't hide anymore. He looks at you in an expression you can't read. Without saying a word, he pulls you towards him and press his hot, moist lips on yours. For an instant, your whole self melts in an anonymous wave of passion. And at this particular moment, your clouds of confusion clear and a sense of acceptance rushes in. You have finally found the answer.

This is love.

Have you felt this way before? I have.

This is how I feel about my religious beliefs these days.


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