Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Life without soul

What a day!

I’m still suffering from the hangover of sleep deprivation.

I could function well in the morning, but in the afternoon, I worked like a zombie.

My heart kept telling me I should not go to the interview in HKU. It was too far away, it was drizzling out there, I was too tired and I had offers from CU already. And people always say you should listen to your heart.

But I was still confused, so I called Ruth and Siu Man, hoping to get some advice from them. They are always supportive even when I am so troublesome and worry too much over something trivial. I felt better and more determined after talking with them.

At last, my willpower won.

With tremendous effort and willpower, I dragged myself to Pokfulam. I did feel a bit aroused during the interview, even though I was starving and exhausted.

The girls in my interview group were really nice. We chatted along the way to the bus stop after the interview. In fact, I didn’t have much feeling towards the interview; but I felt quite happy having met those girls, even though I may not see them again.

I went to Admiralty and tried to get something to eat, but I couldn’t find anything decent and affordable amid all those classy restaurants. So I headed home feeling starved and completely drained. I was so hungry that I couldn’t fall asleep on bus.

Luckily, I got something nice to eat at home. Home sweet home ^^.

I can't really write anymore... I need to sleep now.

Sleepless night

Another sleepless night tonight.

I struggled in my bed for one and a half hour, but still, was wide awake.

So I started thinking about my life in my bed; about how I became who I am. (It would be a project topic for my developmental psychology course at university.)

And somehow, my thought drifted to important men in my life. There are not many. As I counted, there were three I could think of.

I stopped struggling, got up and wrote my journal.

Important Man #1 goes to...
My Dad

It comes as no surprise that my Dad is the most important man in my life. He brought me to this world.

My dad used to be a smoker, and I used to have a very sensitive bronchus when I was a baby (still am, but the situation is much better when I am an adult). Whenever he smoked around, I would cough fiercely. Thus, he quitted smoking. Whenever I recalled this, I felt a surge of warmth inside me.

I come from a complicated family, much more complicated than what you could think of (I have never mentioned any real family problems, those that really crack me up inside out and have haunted my life since I was a child). I didn’t know my dad much. Really, not much.

Um… maybe I should stop talking about my dad. That is too much and too heavy a burden to talk about. I still want to sleep tonight.

Important Man #2 goes to...
Pang Pang

Surprise, huh?

Never would he realize he has been important in my life. Well, sometimes we don’t know when we have changed another life completely. If there were five people he was to meet in heaven, I might be one in the queue, waiting to reveal the moment—that particular moment—my life was changed, because of him.

He was my classmate at university. When I was still a psychology student, I didn’t know him much. One day after a tutorial lesson, when I was on my way back to the dorm, I bumped into him heading towards the Faculty of Education—that was the particular moment. He was to obtain an application form of PGDE and asked if I would like to take one as well. I did and in fact, I took five to six more copies for my hallmates. But I was the only one who applied.

So here I am, an English teacher of a secondary school, for nearly three years.

Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder what kind of job I would be doing if I weren’t a teacher. To be frank, I had never thought of being a teacher before I was admitted to PGDE. Never. But somehow, I accepted the offer and kind of start building up my career. Ok, maybe not really a career but at least I’ve got directions now.

I always feel blessed to have met him that day, at that moment.

Important Man #3 goes to...

I became a different person—a better one I suppose—not when he and I were together, but when we parted. You may not notice the difference before or after that (except that I may sometimes grumble about my singlehood now), but deep down I could feel something has been changing.

I am more honest to myself.
I am more aware of my own feeling.
I am more immune to emotional break-down.

I know more about blessings.
I know more about myself.
I know more about love.
I know more about life.

I view the world differently as if a veil clouding my vision suddenly falls off.

Sometimes, I feel glad that he broke up with me (well, not defense mechanism at work). It hurt badly, and still does, but it is a good lesson. I used to think he was planted in my life to teach me something, without him intending to or knowing.

It is now 4 a.m. Great, time to sleep. After 2 hours, I have to start my day of work.

Monday, March 28, 2005


Because of constant sleep deprivation during workdays, it becomes almost an instinct for me to oversleep during holidays. My brain will produce Melatonin right after lunch despite the intense sunlight out there and no matter how much I have slept last night. After a while, I will fall asleep without warning. I think that 'instinct' will soon be imprinted in my genes and passed on to the next generations of mine, if I ever have any 'next generation'. So up till now, I have spent half (maybe more than half) of my holiday in bed.

I don't know if I like being in a semi-conscious state as when I am dreaming or I am obessed with the content feeling after a good-night sleep--a precious feeling that I seldom experience during normal workdays. I just enjoy sleeping.

But these days, sleeping becomes a torture to me. Whenever I slept, I had nightmares. For many times, I woke up from nightmares just to find myself gasping for breath, my heart racing with fear and my mouth going dry. I would wake up several times a night. Even when I was having an afternoon nap, I would have the same experience.

I could't recall any images from my nightmares, but I'm sure they weren't about schools; nor could I see any Freddy-like creatures. But the fear and discomfort from the nightmares linger on, haunting me throughout the day. I suffer from headache because I couldn't sleep well.

Maybe something deep down is annoying me without my knowing, and it creeps in my dream when I am in a subconscious state (a Fredian explanation). Or I just slept too much and my body was struggling to strike a balance.

Anyway, I am still having a headache right now and I don't feel like sleeping.

I just wish that I can have a good night's sleep tonight as I will start my work tomorrow.

Holiday reading

The Alchemist
by Paulo Coelho (translated by C.E. Landers)

The alchemist picked up a book that someone in the caravan had brought. Leafing through the pages, he found a story about Narcissus.

The alchemist knew that legend of Narcissus, a youth who knelt daily beside a lake to contemplate his own beauty. He was so fascinated by himself that, one morning, he fell into the lake and drowned. At the spot where he fell, a flower was born, which was called narcissus.

But this was not how the author of the book ended the story.

He said that when Narcissus died, the godesses of the forest appeared and found the lake, which had been fresh water, transformed into a lake of salty tears.

"Why do you weep?" the godesses asked.

"I weep for Narcissus," the lake replied.

"Ah, it is no surprise that you weep for Narcissus," they said, "for though we always pursued him in the forest, you alone could contemplate his beauty at hand."

"But... was Narcissus beautiful?" the lake asked.

"Who better than you to know that?" the godesses said in wonder. "After all, it is by your banks that he knelt each day to contemplate himself!"

The lake was silent for some time. Finally, it said:

"I weep for Narcissus, but I never noticed that Narcissus was beautiful. I weep because, each time he knelt beside my banks, I could see, in the depths of his eyes, my own beauty reflected."

"What a lovely story," the alchemist thought.

* * * * * * * *

Yes, it is a lovely story. It is short but deep--deep enough for keeping you thinking even after you have finished the book. I can't get engrossed in another fiction after I finished it. I have to rest a bit before I proceed to another book.

* * * * * * * *

After reading Confessions of a Shopaholic (by Sophie Kinsella), I lost the impulse to shop. I head home right after I have finished my business, instead of wandering around the shopping centre which I usually do. And I am unwilling to spend a penny (unless in a social gathering).

I even lose the motive to buy food.

well, this is not bad.

Anyway, reading one book by Sophie Kinsella is more than enough, as all the books written by her are more or less the same.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005














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Tuesday, March 01, 2005


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