Sunday, February 25, 2007

Good news & Bad news

Good news

Got my IELTS result finally (actually only 2 weeks after the exam) and was relieved to see that beautifully shaped 8.0 printed on my report.

I admit that I was a bit disappointed to be unable to get the full 9 marks in the listening and reading parts since they were unbelievably easy. And it is sort of expected that I didn't do well in writing (always my weakest part). For speaking, the grade is fair enough though I believe I would have done better had I not been too nervous that I kept stuttering and self-correcting throughout the whole interaction.

Anyway, I'm grateful enough I don't have to retake it coz it's bloody expensive.

Bad news

I was bouncing on my way to a gathering in a wonderful holiday mood when I received a call from Garfield, my old friend and current classmate of the Master class, and was informed that I'm having a mid-term on Wednesday which I have totally been unaware of. In an instant, my emotion took a U-turn and slumped into a groundless abyss.

I was fully occupied today and have a full-day work plan tomorrow. I will start work officially on Tuesday which leaves me no time to look at my lecture notes and readings. What's worse, I don't understand a thing in lectures. The class discussion has always revolved around 'grounded' and 'ungrounded' (or 'granted' & 'ungranted', God knows) and I don't get a faint idea of what the lecturer's talking about. Usually I would doze off half of the lecture while day-dreaming in the other half. I don't know how I can deal with it.

By the way, I've got a speech to make on Wednesday (sort of teacher sharing stuff in the morning assembly) and of course, I haven't prepared a bit.

Back to the stark reality.



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