Wednesday, June 22, 2005





Monday, June 20, 2005


















Saturday, June 11, 2005







Friday, June 10, 2005

Body check

Emotional status
* free fall
* emptiness
* helplessness
* hurt

Physical status
* FATigue
* not yet recovered from coughing

Psychological status
* imbalanced
* pathetic

Mental status
* utterly piece-meal
* completely burn-out

* Binging
* Chocoholic ( in desperate need of dopamine)

Life perspective
* none

* borderline depression

* no sign of recovery in the short run
* gloomy in the long run

* burn everything on my desk and in my bookshelf
* a long long vacation

To my dear friends:

Whenever you see me on the verge of emotional break-down, please don't come comfort me. Leave me alone and let me take care of myself.

I really appreciate your care. I do.

It is just that I am too emotionally fragile that, when you offer me a supportive shoulder, I will totally melt down and can't piece myself up. It is ok when I am at home, but not when I'm at work, especially in early morning when all the work is waiting for me to handle ahead.

I will hold on.

I love you all.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

EMB seminar

Please excuse me for my stereotype—I really think English teachers, like invisible men, are a mutated breed of human beings. They were originated from Planet G4690382740 and emigrated to Planet Earth when Hong Kong was colonized under the British rule... (I was lost in my free association.)

Today afternoon, I took a half-day official leave and went to Ngau Chi Wan to attend a seminar about the new senior secondary curriculum for English Language. The auditorium was crammed with English teachers socializing with each other and discussing educational issues. They were so teacher-like, to be accurate, English-teacher-like.

I took my medicine on bus, so I felt a bit dizzy. When the presenter was reading out his PowerPoint slides word by word, I started to lose myself in the echoes of his beautifully accented, hypnotizing voice. In a struggle to keep myself awake, my head was rocking back and forth. I tried to keep my movement delicate and natural so that nobody would notice. After all, everybody was so attentive and they wouldn’t care to pay attention to a dozing small potato.

My muscle was losing strength. It seemed that I could no longer support my body. My breath was slowing down and my eyes could no longer focus. I thought I saw a lovely dog and cheesecake…


Without warning, I banged my head against the book in front of me.


I quickly gathered myself to my original position and acted as normally as possible. Okok, don't panic, nothing really happened…

“I will upload this PowerPoint to our website. The website address is...”

Shall I send his remark to This may win the star quote of the week (if there is one).

So, that' s the first part of the seminar.


After the break, a big potato from City University shared her teaching ideas with us. I was expecting some innovative ideas but it turned out to be another Dilbert story.

Did any of these admin people know the art of giving a presentation? With two PowerPoint slides consisting of a few words, the presenter could keep babbling for more than half an hour without getting to the main points.

Everybody was as attentive and interested as usual. It confirmed my assumption that they belong to the same spices.

“That's it for my part, thank you.”

That's it? I thought she had been making the introduction...

So that's it. That' s my afternoon here in Ngau Chi Wan.

Live report by Biscuit.

(P.S. Yes, I wrote this during the seminar. It kept my brain working and I looked more professional as I was *jotting down notes*.)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005






藥水很難渴 o_Q

Monday, June 06, 2005



但... 我不要看醫生。>.<

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Losing control over myself


News mentioned that love, like food and sleep, is a physiological need (that sounds familiar... did any of my psychology textbooks mention this?). So I suppose eating chocolate is also one--thank god I felt less guilty after gulping down a whole bar of dark chocolate.

The news also interviewed a couple who has been married for 80 years...

Florence the wife (looking at her husband): You still love me, right?
Percy the husband (looking at nowhere): Yes, darling.

That worked like a curse to me... right after I heard that, I was overflown by an anonymous wave of warmth and tears flooded my eyes.

I couldn't believe this--I was getting clinically depressive.


Felt like surrendering myself to my binging impulse which I've been striving to suppress.

It seemed that my stomach was on strike--it refused to send I-am-full signals to the brain and I ate like a goldfish these days.

Totally burnt-out.

(Hey Cat, thanks for your yoghurt. It made me feel a lot better, hohoho! I know I know... I robbed you of that... don't worry, I will try to stock some more over the weekend.)


I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep

Oops, I did it again... (in Britney-Spears style)
Dinner with Terry at night. He looked much better than before. I could sense that his soul is back.

People with souls look more human.

When will my soul be back? (I now look like a zombie...)
Bought a rainbow umbrella after dinner.

Feeling delighted for the rest of the night. ^^