Monday, April 25, 2005

>.< I hate that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am soooooooooooooo angry now that I have to vent my anger here (though I am at work now)! Really really furious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< I have just called up the Grad School and told them my case...

Biscuit: ... I have deferred the registration of a Master programme and the deadline for registration is looming. But I still can't get any result from the other programme I applied for. What can I do?

Grad School: If you have applied for a deferral, that means you have accepted the offer already though you have not yet paid the tuition fee. Then you can't get any offers from other programmes.

Biscuit: But what I have interpreted is, I can have multiple offers from different programmes.

Grad School: well um... if you have accepted an offer from any programme, you cannot get any other offers.

Biscuit: So deferring a registration means accepting the offer? (I have not yet paid the tuition fee!) How about if I turn down the offer I have? Do I still stand a chance to get another offer?

Grad School: If you have accepted an offer already, you cannot get any offers anymore (Gosh... she is repeating the same thing).

Biscuit: I can see your point, but what I can see on your webpage is, my application for Applied Linguistics is still in progress. And I wonder if I surrender my offer of MA in Linguistics, will I still be available on the shortlist?

Grad School: well, I can't promise anything. You'd better call up the individual department and ask about your situation. (Passing the question to the other party again?)

Biscuit: I called and they said they could tell me nothing.

Grad School: At this point, then I suppose you should bear the risk whether to wait or not.

Biscuit: But the problem is, Grad School doesn't release the result at the same time! Why do I have to bear the risk?

Grad School: We just proceed the documents given by individual departments. And we just follow the policy.

Biscuit: (oh, the BIG term: p-o-l-i-c-y. ok, speechless) ok then, I will think about that myself.

* * * * * * * *

I was not at the boiling point. Not until I called Dept. of Eng. again.

Biscuit: ... (trynig to explain my case)...

Office: (and she interrupted me before I finished) I think I made myself very clear when you called last time. We cannot...

Biscuit: yes yes, I am very clear of your stance. But the situation is, I deferred my registration so as to wait for the release of your result... (and I told them what the Grad School told me.)

Office: I can understand that... (she kept waffling and repeated the same thing again.)

Biscuit: But I am trapped here and it seems that the application is still in progress. (I'm losing tolerance)

Office: In fact, the first round of result has been released. We released our result at the same time as Dept. of Linguistics. And we may have a second round intake depending on the response of the first one. And regarding your registration deferral, I think...

(she kept drilling on the registration-deferral-means-acceptance issue and of course, I was not listening.)

Biscuit: So you mean the first round of intake is over already?

Office: Yes exactly. And as for your case, I think... (waffling again...)

Biscuit: ok, I got your point. Thanks.

That is stupid! They should have told me the first round of intake was over already, then everything will have been settled! I didn't have to do all those things like a fool. And I wonder why my application status is still "in progress" on their webpage! They should have shown that my application is not successful!

Why do people have to make simple things complicated? It is all too bureaucratic!

And I really hate myself being occupied by the issue for so long.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

I am back

I am still alive. (Just to reassure those who are still reading this and somehow can't catch me on icq and can't see me zombie-ing around.)

It's been 3 weeks since I last updated my blog. My inspiration has long run dry and I was in no mood for writing. And as usual, I was plagued by borderline depression and binge eating. In fact, evey single day was just the same as the others in the past 3 weeks, so my life was really nothing special to talk about.


I am still waiting for the result of my application for MA in Applied Linguistics. Grad school at CU is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly slow! I called up the Dept. of Eng. twice and told them that I had to pay the tuition fee of another Master programme soon, but they told me they couldn't disclose the result until the Grad. school did so. That is really stupid! Was I spying into the top secrets of your dept.? Was I intruding into someone else's privacy? I just wanted to know the status of my own application!

I delayed my registration of another programme and checked franically their webpage every day. But what I could see was a nearly full page of IPs (Application in progress). I have to call up the Grad. school on Mon again to delay the registration further.

* * * * * * *
One of my girlfriends called me up a few days ago telling me that she would teach again next year; and that she was getting married in 2 years. I was really touched when I heard this, not because she gets a job she wants, but because she can see her future now and she is content; and I can see the change in her.

When she was still a teacher a year ago, she felt confused and cooped up in an ivory tower. She wanted to experience a new life and taste the spice of life. So she quitted the teaching job and got admitted to MA in Journalism. For a year, she went from job to job and juggled with different interviews at the same time. But still, she could not find her way and felt really puzzled. She tried and failed.

And now, she has found her way (and her Mr. Right). She sounded like a different person when she told me her plan. She was more determined than ever and she felt blessed. I can sense that she has somehow settled down.

I am really really happy for her; really touched as well.

well, I look at myself and the same old question dances through my mind: what am I going to do with my life?

I wonder.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

>.< oh gosh.......................

currently writing a bloody report in Chinese... yup, C H I N E S E... gosh... I haven't written anything decent in Chinese for a long long time.

I have already been struggling, I mean writing, for an hour, but have just produced a few lines.

Definitely another sleepless night.