Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Gathering with colleagues--Christian colleagues

I don't mean to offend any Christians and I know it is my problem.

But, I have to confess...

I cannot stand dating a group of Christians who keep babbling about 'God's plans' at table. I mean, not a group of female Christians in which I am the only 'semi-believer'. (It is how I put it. But of course, Christians will tell you being Christian is all-or-nothing. There is nothing in between. So I never claim myself a Christian as I think I am more on the non-Christian side, though some people, including a vice-principal who employed me to supply-teach Religious Studies a couple of years ago, say I am.)

I am just... a bit... fed up, no I mean um... bored with the way they explain everything as God's plan. Whenever they talk about anything, they'll say it is God's plan or God's idea. Well... ok, as a semi-believer, I don't really reject this idea. But pls, don't start every single sentence with 'it's God's idea that...'.

I mean, in the eyes of believers, everything that happened is well-planned by God. Whether you can get that job or not, it is God's plan! So, what's the difference between 'It's God's idea for me to get that job' and 'It's God's idea for me to miss that job'?

And tonight, I raised a wrong question while they were talking about relationship issues...

Friend #1: I believe that if God has assigned a Mr. Right to us, we can never miss him. Through praying, you will know whether he is the destined one.

Friend #2: Yes, once you confirmed your other half with God, your marriage is blessed.

Biscuit: So...I've got a question. Will any Christian couples break up? I mean, if you marry the destined one and your marriage is blessed, you won't get divorced, right?

Friend #1: We are all human beings and sometimes we make mistakes.

Biscuit: But then, he is not the destined one, right?

Friend #2: That's because they exclude God's love in their marriage... (some more Bible talk here)

Biscuit: So... what you suggest here is getting divorced is a sin?

Friend #3: Yes, it is a sin. Your marriage is blessed by the Lord and only those who fail to follow the path of God will break up with their spouse.

Biscuit: But um, I don't think it is a sin... I mean, sometimes, divorce makes things better.

Friend #3: No! It makes things worse. I am a victim of it!

Biscuit: But your case cannot represent all, right? I mean, when you see a white dog, it doesn't mean all the dogs on earth are white...

Friend #3: But it is only applicable to non-Christians. For Christians, it makes things worse.

Biscuit: But your parents are not Christians...

Friends #2: Ada, you know, in the Bible... (a long Bible talk...)

(It is just a summary and of course, I cannot remember the exact wordings.)

ok, I gave in... I showed an I-can-understand-that face and stopped asking any questions. I just wanted to chill out and I really didn't expect all those it-is-God's idea talk. I mean, not that much. Though they all tried to explain to me the ideas of God patiently...

That is why I cannot make myself a 'devoted believer'. I cannot agree on all these details. You cannot say 'I am Christian in some ways but not in some others'.

All or nothing.

And in this case, I can only choose 'nothing'.


Blogger NowhereMan無謂人 said...

They get it all WRONG! TOTALLY!

It's definitely not a sin to get divorced because getting divorce is a challengence offered by the one-and-only-mighty God! It's all in the PLAN, you know, THE PLAN? If you guys get through the marriage, then you guys are destined; if not, then it's just a funny little experiment conducted by God to see whether putting two very different creatures together will finally make them tear each other apart! Remember if it's all planned, then how can a guy exclude God's love in the marriage? You mean everything is planned by God, and there is chance that HUMAN (spell it, H U M A N) can slip away from the plan? OH, NO, he is greater than God then. Period.

11:15 pm  
Blogger 燒米餅 said...

ha, that sounds plausible. Who knows God's REAL plan?

well...u know, I tried hard to follow the Christian flow of logic but sometimes I just dun get it. And even when I get it, I can't accept it.

And it also seems to be difficult for Christians to follow a non-Christian flow of logic... they just can't get my points. gosh...

12:04 am  
Blogger 燒米餅 said...

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12:23 am  
Blogger 燒米餅 said...

Last night during the dinner gathering, my friend said: 'I think God has played his part in helping me to get the legal documents for my new flat on time. I could get them immediately when I got the office. u know, when I was there, I saw many people complaining with rage coz they'd been waiting for a whole afternoon but still nothing had been done. I really thanked God for this.'

Whenever I heard similar things, I can't help wondering: was she suggesting that all the others waiting in the office were not Christians and they didn't pray? That's why they had to wait but she got what she wanted without having to wait?

12:25 am  
Blogger NowhereMan無謂人 said...

I don't know about Christian, I just know their logic is completely fault. When something good that happens, then it's all about God's plan. If something doesn't work out, it's because they haven't prayed. But if EVERYTHING is God's plan, isn't the praying or not-praying part of God's plan?

Even I don't believe in Christian, I DO believe demon is just part of God's master plan. Isn't it? Especailly if all those Christian believe it's God's plan for everything afterall.

Their logic is fault no matter how great God is. And according to their logic, ya, those people have to wait in the line because they haven't prayed or not a Christian.

And definitely it's God's master plan for me not believing in Christian, so God plans to let me to the hell. See you all in hell!

12:38 am  
Blogger NowhereMan無謂人 said...

So, if they can get all the good things because of praying. what's the difference between christian and 求神 in chinese?

and why bad things happen even they pray? because they haven't prayed hard enough? and when bad things happened, they would just say it's God's plan, God-offered-challengence for you. for christ's sake, it's such a 自圓其說.

12:49 am  
Blogger 一粒米 said...

oh...let me write in English too
(pls help me to correct my grammatical mistakes, biscuits)

I agree with biscuits too. I have to confess that I'm a buddhist, so what I state here may make christian feel unhappy.

I hate people keep talking about their religion (no matter what religion) and keep telling people their religion is superior. We all know that people who believe in one religion always think that it is the truth. But I don't think one should critize other religions and keep laughing about other religious belief. It is a irrspectful behaviour.

There is one question that I cannot think of the answer for years. "If you don't believe in God, you cannot go to Heaven" . So if a guy who has been nice and generous throughout his life, but he is a non-christian, he has to go to hell. If God really loves everyone, why he will let such thing happen?

I've read a website that is talking about ex-christian. If you are interested, you can go to have a look
(I'm not telling people not to believe in God, I just want people to believe in a religion in a more rational way)

If anyone feels bad about what I mentioned, please feel free to reply.

12:50 am  
Blogger 燒米餅 said...

So sometimes, when I discuss with my Christian friends the issues of homosexuality or women's roles, to name a few, I will give in at last coz I know they won't accept any new ideas from others. There is no discussion. (By 'discussion', I mean an exchange of ideas.)

well... I can never make myself a Christian, though I did try. :P

ha, maybe 2 of u will be nirvana one day, then u dun have to think about the heaven from Christian point of view coz u will end up in a place with 'eternal peacefulness'...

2:27 am  
Blogger NowhereMan無謂人 said...

actually, all these talking are old talking, the bad of christian have been discussed for so so many time. and i'm no religion scholar, i just want to pinpoint the overall rationale behind christian is not of any sounding. because bible is nothing but a book by human, i don't mean to say christ is a fiction character, i just want to say what's written is largely depicted by human, and it depends on how the human wants to translate the idea. you know, it's all about power.

anyway, christian is losing its popularity because of its overly conserved concept towards woman and sex in this modern society.

4:04 pm  

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