Monday, January 16, 2006

I dream therefore I am

Dreaming formed an integral part of my life when I was young.

I still remember the numerous sleepless nights during when I felt imprisoned in the reality, my mind would whirl off into the distant future where I was somebody completely different. That was when I felt liberated and hopeful.

As time went by and the reality zoomed in, I came to compromise with the reality and took whatever I was offered. I seemed to have a choice but actually I felt like a taker rather than a maker of it. And my dream remains a dream.

I did the Psychology degree in CUHK though I wasn't sure that was what I wanted at the beginning. I could have chosen law or journalism or accounting which could give me a more promising career prospect. But somehow, I have to admit, I may have sort of followed the tide. But I didn't hate it anyway.

After that, I did PGDE. Those who have been reading my blog should know why I applied for it and accepted the offer. Again, being a teacher doesn't sound disgusting to me.

Upon graduation, I was offered an GM post from a secondary school towards which I don't have a strong opinion. I was given chance to teach up to F.7 and my contract is renewed one year after another.

Everything looks fine and smooth enough, though not perfect, to a mediocre girl like me. I'm not a risk-taker indeed and I learn to love my choice rather than choose what I love. I could have gone on with my life like this until the day I die.

But when I think of it, I feel scared.

After being in this field for nearly four years, I think it's time for me to seriously think about what I should do with my life. And after all these years having witnessed death and ex-colleagues leaving for their dreams, I'm willing to take risk. It may be a bit late but better late than never.

In fact, what I want to do is simple: I want to pursue my studies overseas. That's what I want to do since I was young.

By the time I finish my master degree, I will have taught in this school for five years and I think it's time for me to take a break and refresh myself. To be frank, I haven't got a concrete plan of what to do after studying overseas. Maybe I will teach again. Who knows. But at this moment, I'm quite determined I will quit next year and do what I have been dreaming of.

When I revealed my plan to my friends, they sort of think that I'm too implusive and should have planned more carefully. After all, I'm not young and it's getting more and more costly for me to start over again.

I have been thinking about that over and over again. I did feel hesitant at times but then I think I don't want to have any more regrets in my life.

I feel like being that little girl lost in thoughts in the dead of the night again except that this time, I'm going to make my dream come true.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Let's face it, Fanny.

My parents used to think as a teacher-with relatively stable income and lots of holidays-I am having a comfortable, easy work life. That's why they find my plan of quitting my job unbelievable (and rather unacceptable).

So if even my parents who see me work myself to exhaustion every day think I'm under no stress or experiencing any form of stress-induced malfunctioning, how can I expect the public who base their impression of teachers on their good old school days or the government officials who hide themselves in an ivory tower to understand our situation?

Tragically, understanding comes at a high cost. Despite repeated comments from teachers, not until two teachers committed suicide within a week did the government suddenly realise we are facing backbreaking stress. And more tragically, not until Fanny Law, permanent secretary of EMB and obviously deprived of political wisdom, raised an offensive question (if the education reform is the real cause pushing the two teachers over the edge, why only two of them committed suicide?) did the government allocate billions of dollars overnight on alleviating teacher stress in order to pacify the angry teachers.

And now, even Bishop Zen expressed his concern over this problem; one can see how politically fashionable the issue is.

So, why were there only two teachers committing suicide if the education reform is the real cause?

The fact is different people react to stress in different ways. Some have insomnia, some have depression, some have gastrointestinal disorders, some have suicidal thoughts and among whom some turn those thoughts into action.

If we put all the negative effects of over-stress into a teacher population pyramid, suicide would be placed at the top as it is the most salient, attention-drawing and serious. So now, this very tip of the pyramid came into the spotlight, but Fanny Law was too ignorant to question whether such a small tip is strong enough to conclude that we teachers are really under unbearable stress and failed to notice the rest of the pyramid beneath that very tip.

I don't want to jump to the conclusion that the two teachers committed suicide solely because of work stress or to question whether two teachers are statistically significant enough to prove that education reform was killing them. In fact, the real cause is not important (Can't Fanny Law realise that?). What's more important is, we are really facing debilitating stress and having ever-mounting workload because of ever-changing education policy and that the government should do something about it.

If we are to believe teachers exert life-altering influence on students, how can we teach students to face life positively if we ourselves cannot maintain a healthy mental status?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

















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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

This is my choice

Christmas holiday is a season of holding supplementary classes. However unwilling I am to go back to school, out of responsibility and tradition, I did have arranged some classes during the holiday.

I had a supplementary class with 7A today. I was really, really disappointed by and angry with their learning attitude. I don't expect a Form 7 class to be that irresponsible and disrespectful. 8 out of 26 of them didn't show up (not to mention a number of those who were late to class) and when I called them to ask why, they gave me crappy reasons like headache, stomachache, diarrhoea... (8 of them got sick at the same time? Don't pull my legs.) And those who turned up thought they were cheated by their 'sick' friends and that they shouldn't have come back to school.

Normally, I would have given them a lecture on appropriate learning attutides, respect and responsibility, and showed them a poker face. And I would have burnt myself in anger as I did last year. But today, when I was about to set myself on fire, my promise of being a happy person popped up on my mind. And at that time, I held back.

It is my own choice whether to make myself happy or not. I told myself to detach from the whole thing and not to spoil my pleasant mood. And I did :)

I know it's just something trivial and when it comes to something big, things would be different. But I think it's a good omen, esp. at the beginning of the year. I am able to keep the promise to myself (that's the most important part^^).

I love myself ^U^.