Sunday, May 29, 2005





我有一刻的衝動寫信投訴稅局政治不正確。我還要建議稅局為男士增加「哥」(「誠俊哥」之類的稱呼)或「王老五」(Bachelor) 的稱呼,這樣才算公平。

Wednesday, May 25, 2005




餅(仰慕中):莊泳真的很厲害啊! 傑出中國女性也!






Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I am pathetic

I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic I am pathetic

I am burnt-out.

       *    *    *     *     *

昨天帶了阿闊的書回校,強迫兩個坐在身邊的同事看。他們都說書很無聊(很傷心啊)。有些同事說他的樣子不討好,但是我仍舊很喜歡他。^^ (得到別人的認同可不是一件易事啊!)

       *    *    *     *     *



serotonin 失調...

Monday, May 16, 2005

Over the Rainbow


讀大學時買了 Over the Rainbow 第一部及第一部半;對它們愛不釋手。看Over the Rainbow時感覺很幸福,因為我想起我的夢、想起我成長的種種。我也感覺到回憶的美麗及沉重--那種可一不可再的感覺。



朋友說,在Page One 還可找到他的繪本,於是今晚跟同事晚膳前,到 Page One 走了一趟。店員說,他們只有第一部半。雖然有點失望(其實我比較喜歡第一部),但也買下了它。


Over the Rainbow 第一部半

Sunday, May 15, 2005

To dorm or not to dorm

A girlfriend called and asked me to apply for the postgrad hall with her for the coming academic year. The idea sounds really tempting but there is a lot to consider.

So here I drafted a pros-and-cons list for the whole issue:


1. It takes more or less the same amount of time to commute from dorm to my workplace as to commute from home.

2. Completely consumed and exhausted though I may get after a whole day of work, I still have to do chores and grocery shopping.

3. Postgrad halls 2 to 5 are too far away from the KCR station and shuttle bus service is not available before 7 a.m. (which means I can get back to school just on time even if I catch the earliest shuttle bus) and after 11 p.m. (which means I have to make a long walk home after a late-night hang-out).

Postgrad hall 1 is nearer to the KCR station but the number of shared rooms is really limited. It also costs a few hundred dollars more than PGH 2-5 per month.

4. I want to save for my overseas study, but I have to spend more if I live on my own.

5. I have all those weird habits that make me unpleasant to stay with.


1. Images of Sex and the City are swimming in my mind.

Don’t get me wrong. I mean all those scenes in which the girls are partying, inviting friends to their places and enjoying their single lives far away from home. Sorta I-am-a-single-working-girl-managing-my-life-on-my-own lifestyle.

Sounds cool.

2. Though I spent 3 years living on campus at college, I feel more grown-up now after 3 years of full-time working life. I need more autonomy in my life.

3. I can coop myself up in my little room and stay up late at night doing homework or reading or simply enjoying myself without my mum nagging or my sisters chatting loudly next to me.

4. My salary jumps a point this Sept and I may afford to stay at PGH 1.

5. I feel like making more connections with the others.

Five to five—score draws.

Maybe I will go for the old way—apply first and think later.

Monday, May 09, 2005


A friend of mine has just broken up with her boyfriend.

He left her a simple break-up SMS message then vanished in the air. Grief-stricken, my friend worked herself up into a frenzy to reach him—e-mail, SMS, phone, whatsoever—but of course, she couldn't.

Needless to say, he is an invisible man.

In case you're so lucky that you haven't met one before, here is a very brief introduction of what it is.

Invisible men are a completely different breed of human beings who seem to have inherited the survival gene of chameleons. Whenever there is a problem to face, they blend in with their surrounding environment perfectly and stop responding to any signals until they feel safe again (in some cases, they will never show up). You know they are somewhere but you can never catch them, unless you've got very sharp eyes.

They are proven to be cleverer than ostriches which only stuff their heads deep down the earth when it comes to a crisis or a problem, but leave most of their bodies to be seen. Ostriches are convinced that as long as they can't see others, neither can others see them. But chameleons are different—much cleverer. They hide themselves well and may even keep an eye on you in the dark.

You can't identify them by their appearance until the day they vanish without warning. They can be your friends, colleagues, boyfriend or girlfriend and of course, your debtors. You may want to catch an invisible man, but believe me, unless they are your debtors, catching an invisible man will only hurt you further.

An invisible man is always more horrible than a chameleon.

Monday, May 02, 2005


29.4 22:15  得悉一小學同學自殺。他跟我上同一所中學,但大家並不熟稔。我對他的印象很模糊。無論是唸小學或是中學時,他也不是跟我同班。但得悉一個認識的人離開,心裡總覺得不好受。我在想,這些年來,他的生活會是怎麼樣的?他變成一個怎樣的人?



29.4 23:35  朋友說,工作太累人,不但每天長時間工作(7-11),連假日也得回校工作。可是上司及同事不體諒之餘,還為小事責怪她。她決定辭職到加拿大升學。

30.4 18:30  女朋友計劃三年後到英國攻讀博士學位。她問我可有興趣跟她到英國讀書。如果可以,我也希望如此。

1.5 12:51  身在美國的女朋友的父親一直受癌症困擾。她跟我說,她父親的情況不太樂觀。她的父親稍後會回港探親及接受中醫治療。

1.5 20:00  到朋友的婚宴。今晚的她特別美麗動人。很高興她找到可以負託終身的人。席間,另一位朋友說他將為人父。他已為孩子取名為 Clovis。

1.5 21:00  得悉朋友的男友年多前意外離世。不知怎的,突然覺得很悲傷、很痛... 我在想,那段日子她是怎麼熬過的?

1.5 22:00  女朋友說,她剛剛跟男朋友分手,因為男方希望專注事業。她哭了一個晚上。


