Sunday, November 12, 2006

Someone special

It has been some time (actually almost 2 months) since my last update. Being busy has always been my excuse while being lazy is the real reason.

Have you ever met anyone with the same personalities and thoughts just like yours? I have met one before. The feeling is quite strange. I can see my own self in him and somehow, I feel a bit down when he's depressed as if I myself am feeling what he feels; and I feel relieved when he's happy. He is someone really special; yet if you think I had a crush on him, you're wrong. Frankly speaking, I can't tolerate being with anybody who behaves just like myself.

I don't think I will see him again as he has left Hong Kong for his studies and didn't expect to come back. And, we don't keep in touch.

These days I have been haunted by dreams loaded by the images of his. Actually his image or his name didn't consiously cross my mind during the daytime before the first dream of such. And since the first one, his name would sometimes pop up in my mind but still I don't think I'm obsessed with it. Anyway, now that I am more consicous of his 'poping-up' in my mind, I have had more dreams about him--a vicious cycle.

I don't like the feeling. I felt empty the first instant I woke up and it seems that there is a hole in my life I can never mend.

I hope he's doing fine now coz I'm not doing fine here.